Today, 24th February we celebrate Rosalia's birthday due to she was born on 24.02.1837. A very important date at school, for all of us: students and teachers. You can be sure we are very proud!
Rosalia's portraits from 6ºA and 6ºB
Today, 24th February we celebrate Rosalia's birthday due to she was born on 24.02.1837. A very important date at school, for all of us: students and teachers. You can be sure we are very proud!
Draw a chromatic circle following this model:
At the first term we read '' Xelis, o guieiro das botellas de mar'' . All students were invited to make a cover ilustration, their own cover illustration. They worked very hard, here are some examples:
J oan Miró i Ferrá (Barcelona 1893- Palma 1983), a Spanish and Surrealist painter Golfish Woman in front of the sun Self-portrait A woman...