xoves, 27 de maio de 2021


Drawing some basic things about geometry, 1st) parallel lines, 2nd) perpendicular lines, 3rd) oblique lines, 4th) a right angle, an acute angle and an obtuse angle, 5th) a circle with its radius, its secant. 6th) a circle with its diameter and its central angle and its inscribed angle.




Then, draw a star-shaped polygon. Follow the steps: 

1st) draw a circle with a compass. Using the same compass measurement, put your compass at point A and mark points B and C. Then mark points D and E from F.

2nd) join points A, D and E with straight lines to make a triangle inside the circle. Then do the same with points B, C and F. Now you have a star-shaped polygon

luns, 24 de maio de 2021


 Queremos dar a coñecer a tod@s os participantes no concurso da Deputación de Lugo, que o debuxo, ilustración  de Emma García Sánchez de 6º A,  resultou gañador na primeira convocatoria deste certame coa súa proposta:

The winner is EMMA GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, here her drawing

A entrega do devantido premio será o vindeiro venres 28.05.2021 ás 19:00

NORABOA a Emma García Sánchez e a tod@s os que participástedes pola calidade dos traballos, polo voso esforzo e interés!!!!

 Congratulations to Emma  and everyone for your participation!!!! We are very proud of you.

venres, 7 de maio de 2021

Muro interactivo de Van Gogh

Feito con Padlet

Some information about Van Gogh as we are going to draw some of his famous paintings like: 

An almond tree


  An almond tree

 Almendro en flor

The sunflowers                                 The lilies


Vincent Van Gogh's room

Hecho con Padlet

23rd Rosalia's Day

 On the 23rd of February, we celebrate Rosalia's Day  at school . Let's to draw Rosalia and add some stanzas from one of hers poem. ...