mércores, 2 de marzo de 2022

II Certame escolar de ilustración - ILUSTRAR NÓS - Diputación de Lugo

Pincha na seguinte imaxe e accederás ás bases do presente concurso:
Cada 30 de xaneiro, celebramos o Día da Ilustración, este ano lembramos a figura de Reimundo Patiño, pintor, gravador e autor de BD. 'Pioneiro da arte contmeporánea galega'

Every January 30th, we celebrate the Illustration Day, this year we remember the figure of Reimundo Patiño, painter, engraver and author of BD. Pioneer of Galician contemporary art'.

Os traballos serán orixinais en A4 en vertical ou horizontal, calquera técnica será admitida. Ata o 29.04.2022.

The drawings will be original in A4 in vertical or horizontal, any technique will be admitted. Until 29.04.2022.

LEMA CONTRA EL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO, ACTÚO, visibilizando solucions e fuxindo dunha representación catastrófica do problema.

Motto AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE, I ACT, we must show possible and visible solutions and avoiding a scatastrophic representation of the problem.

Ánimo a tod@s e a participar !!!!!!

 I encourage everyone to participate !!!!!!

1 comentario:

23rd Rosalia's Day

 On the 23rd of February, we celebrate Rosalia's Day  at school . Let's to draw Rosalia and add some stanzas from one of hers poem. ...