martes, 9 de xaneiro de 2024

Peace day


When we think of Peace day, one of the images that comes to our minds is certainly the drawing of a dove.

Here are some doves that you have surely already seen:

1st task
Pablo Ruiz Picasso became  very famous for all his work, but this Peace dove is well known by all. What do you know about Picasso ?

2nd task
As you are an artist, choose your dove, draw it  and celebrate your 
 Day of Peace.

3rd task
You can also listen to John Lennon  and his song '' Imagine''
4th task
You can watch this video about a book in Spanish called ''Imagine''

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23rd Rosalia's Day

 On the 23rd of February, we celebrate Rosalia's Day  at school . Let's to draw Rosalia and add some stanzas from one of hers poem. ...